$100 for GTA6?
I have searched high and low for a proper community to post this question in. I’m trying to find something to cover this window that’s easy to remove (apartment)
Sonos will never regain my trust because last year's incident opened my eyes
New litter hopper does not work
I want to upgrade
VLC is Pretty Cool
Jeff Bezos in Aspen wearing a 10k$ Zenya Ski Suit
I just opened my cheddar and this is inside.. thoughts?
My boy Grizz through the years
Does the litterhopper actually work?
How to winterize a sliding patio door more than cardboard and taping over/sealing the cracks? My bedroom is freezing compared to the rest of the house and I don’t know how to find more gaps.
My new favorite game is to type in “Sure Here's A Product Title” and see what I can find
I lost my soul cat in a fire in August 2024 - my body hurts all over when I remember him
And I thought I'm a bad dancer!
The porta-hoard. A few terabytes, anywhere ya want.
Wife got in an accident on way to work, everyone is ok, but our only vehicle thats fits our 5 person family is totaled - Happy New Years
My very modest and definitely not overkill home network setup that clearly was a bargain and could not possibly have cost more than $800 for everything
Ugly installs still forward packets.
Hell of a week
Are stainless steel cat litter boxes worth it?
Am i doing good?
Bought an old gold mine on a whim 😅🙌
There goes all my luck this wipe (didn't even know this can spawn)
Wine Fridge Alternate Uses
[Bug] What is this pixel that also changes color depending on what's behind it!?!? i thought i had a dead pixel 😂