Imagine a pill that eliminates the need for sleep, leaving you completely refreshed and energized, and if every day offered a full 24 waking hours, how would you reshape your life?
Abstinent since Ben left
A trans girl in mourning
r/JeremyandLana New Members Intro
Why does this sub hate Judah Smith interlude?
Speculation on the Upcoming Series
Foxtrot: Good Riddance
Who first saw this as a kid and thought it was an actual movie trailer?
What is the ultimate Horror monster that is satisfying to see?
Who is the celebrity that you dislike for no reason at all?
What movie is a solid 9/10 and what made it lose 1 point?
this is your boyfriend wyd
Who are they? Wrong answers only
The crowd at Lanas set tonight was AWFUL.
Does anyone else appear completely healthy to those around you while you're struggling on the inside?
Worst thing your ED has ever made you do? Mine: almost died.
A sequel to a post I made yesterday. Grandpa and one of his younger sisters at their confirmation. A slight improvement on the fever dream that was their communion fashion. Jersey City, circa 1941.
My Grandpa and his sister (born 11 months apart) at their first communion, 1936. I wish he was still around so I could tease him about the outfit.
Which movie makes you cry the most?
Anyone know what language this is? I found this at a thrift store and would love to know what it says
💀💀💀 Credit: mattxiv on Twitter
Making memories (of binging)
whats your cant resist food if u have one
Which one of yall
what’s your strangest/funniest brain fog story?