People who think they’re morally superior for not using the dishwasher
They really nerfed The Pig
45 with a 5 year old
AITA for telling my brother that since he didn't vote he doesn't get to complain
I just hate insurance. That’s all.
What are you Bluey hot takes?
OB Visit Notes Said I’m Overweight?
Feeling bitter this morning
I feel terrible for parents of gen alpha/beta
Products giving warnings without telling you WHY
4.5 year old said "I'm fat!"
We let our baby cry it out last night, I feel guilty.
How much damage did I do?
Totally reasonable response to a 12 y/o
How do you respond when a student insults you?
I wish I didn't change my mind on marriage and now I'm stuck.
My supervisor isn’t understanding about pregnancy
Just going to leave this here
Stroller help
Epidural myth
Are backdrops hard to look natural?
Feeling bad about being mean to my husband
How difficult is the change from 1 to 2 kids?
6 years and still no ring
Got in a fight w/ hubs...need advice
A bit late but for the Bernie / pro-vaccine fan in your life