Anybody love the fact that this character looks like he’s straight out of the 90’s EE era
Am I the only one that thinks Kathy didn't do it??
Who remembers this gang storyline involving Martin back in 1997?
Stacey’s going to blame herself
The new mod is banning people who speak out about her "power mad, ban happy" ways
If you know, you know 😭
Thoughts on this?
Anybody notice the similarities ?
I realised something
So Martin has just been killed off/died/left the soap....Thoughts on this as well as the Live 40th Anniversary Episode
Ian Beale
Your predictions for the live episode!
Deaths predictions
Possible Twist
These predictions for next week seem pretty accurate
Cheeky wee photo from next week
Julia Smith & Tony Holland
Are there any platforms online that have every single EE episode from the beginning?
Just a thought
Spoilers for tomorrows episode
James Farrar’s story on insta (Zack)
Why are EE episodes mostly night shoots nowadays?
These are the only 2 characters I feel like the writers would have the guts to kill off from the main cast for the 40th anniversary