"Guys, a skin idea for Austin—what team would you put it in?"
Are you tired of those stupid, weak zombies showing up in ridiculously huge hordes and wrecking your bus? Well, today’s not your lucky day because I have no idea what the hell I just made! Call now and get your very own … (name still pending) for just 999,999 bills (price subject to change)!
Gentlemen, I would like your opinion before I start animating the unit idea. Should I leave it black or yellow? With or without NVG? Let me know!
Hello guys, how's it going? Here's an idea for a team! If you have any ideas for the team power, feel free to share them.
Gentlemen, skin idea for Gunslinger for the police team, in honor of my second skin idea and fan art. Which one do you choose, the old version or the new one?
Gentlemen, second-to-last update on the Oni unit idea. Tomorrow, I'll finish the death animations and perks, along with a well-edited, nice-looking video. Oh, and there's also a weird animation that I found really funny XD.
Hey guys, for now, this is all I'm going to do for this unit idea. I made the idle, walking, shooting, reloading animations, and an animation for a special ability. If I have time later, I'll make more and refine these ones.
Hello guys, how's it going? I'm working on a unit idea, and before I start making the animations, I'd like to know what you think. Should I remove the oni mask or leave it? If you have any ideas after seeing the unit concept, feel free to share them as well!
Hello friends, how’s it going? Here’s a skin idea for Austin for the military team. It doesn’t have a name yet, but I like the name "Warlord."
Gentlemen, here are two skin ideas: one for Berserker—I know it’s simple, but I didn’t feel like adding more (I don’t really enjoy making skins for the Prisoners team XD)—and another for SWAT for the Marines team.
Skin idea for Spec Ops for the scientist team. I feel like it turned out a bit generic, but I did my best. However, I liked it quite a lot, so I might make more variants in the future.
Guys, skin idea for the Agents for the Prisoner team. .__.
Well guys, here are some skin ideas for Queen for the police team... Now I’d like to ask, am I the only psychopath who sometimes feels like throwing a grenade at the agents? XD
Guys, here’s a skin idea for Red Hood. I’ve been playing a lot of Dark Souls 2 and Elden Ring lately, and I just felt like making a medieval-themed skin XD. Tell me, which team would it fit best in, and what would you name it?
Skin idea for Miller for the Police team.
Alright guys, new skin idea for Gleen. The veil has become a personal challenge. I feel like it still looks a bit off, but I’m still working on perfecting my art.
Alright guys, here’s a skin idea for Berserker. I know the veil looks more like a cloth, but I’m still improving. Oh, and also a pretty meh, quite weird skin idea for Guard.
Gentlemen, here are two skin ideas for the Agents and Rodriguez. The skin ideas don't have names yet.
Hi guys, so I'm very easily influenced by what I see and mostly by what I play, and well, I just felt like making these skin ideas inspired by Blitz, Bandit, IQ, and Jager XD
Here’s this police skin idea for Sonya, guys.
Friends, new skin idea for Berserker—I call it Topor. Sorry for my absence, guys, I've been sick these past few days.
Guys, have you ever heard of *American Psycho*?
Gentlemen, I’m almost done with the unit idea. I’ll finish it tomorrow.
Hey guys, I was making a unit for the Marines, but I don't know much about military scuba divers. I added two oxygen tanks, one on the back and one on the chest. Before continuing with the rest of the sprites, should I remove the one on the back or leave it?
Alright guys, a skin idea for the police Juggernaut still doesn't have a fixed name. I call it "Aggressor" since that's what I named my first Juggernaut skin idea for the police.