Performance Review was… bad
If you work for HR you're literally a class traitor
Is it bad to hit on girls that are in your college classes.
Overcoming Procrastination in Coding: How Do You Get Started?
What does your mind feel like
What are some things you can't own as someone with ADHD?
How To Be More Comfortable Traveling Under Stressful Circumstances?
Are smart watches helpful?
Inability to go back, once you've started
Do yall struggle with basic daily habits?
The Blackpill can easily be debunked by going outside
All or nothing thinking and task paralysis.
Finspan.. thoughts?
Columbia’s Crime Problem and Why We Can’t Talk About It
PSA: crossing the street during a marathon is idiotic and dangerous
Only woman in an office
AITA for being at breaking point with my husband’s made up language?
Is this what’s been “hiding in plain sight”?
Where do you keep your keys
There's nothing better than Severance. Seriously.
ADHD is like having 300 TV channels in your head - and someone else has the remote
Which fictional pairing had no chemistry at all?
Roommate openly watching porn in our kitchen
Everyone is overcomplicating Miss Huang's role
What reduces your life expectancy by at least 20 years?