..is that a full oven I just found?
i got rejected from my first choice college
I completely forgot that star of upcoming season already appeared in season 1finale.
Am I gonna fail in life?
How long is your playtime in Spacewar?
Is it normal for my laptop to not be at 80% when charging?
Your daily ASOIAF twt report
I lost my first 3 day save, I don't know how people do it man
I've been bitten, how can I cure it?
Stumbled upon this little time capsule from 10 years ago.
how THE FUCK am I meant to learn everything?
I love when my university promotes gambling to kids
How would YOU have rewritten this scene?
Remember how pointless was this scene? Time waste.
Before Ancient Meteoric Ore Greatsword there was FUGS
Boys and girls…. I actually did it.
Guess the character
SSD enclosure and ssd recommendations?
Stupid question, can I download JUST the setup.exe?
Yapping to the teacher gone wrong, what do i do?
Well this is suitably terrifying
School is boring