How I feel about the arguments about the Ultimatum right now
Why isn't the F2 actually viable?
I didn't think the head bonk was possible... turns out it is
i deserve it all
What cultures/time periods will the game borrow from?
*28 stab wounds* + bonus kick at the end
The ultimatum is fine where it is
A first degree burn looks like a self harm scar
Strategem meta report thingy
Help! We've both fallen and can't get up.
Believers stay strong
Spin launch unlocked!
God forbid a girlie wanna get tore up
Half Sword Demo Pictures
Could be an album cover
Teanna 🤦🏻
Chainmail is too easy to cut through
I Don’t Have a Problem, You Have a Problem. (Post Your Hours Played Stats!)
y’all forgot what he said on The Heart Part 4
Devs might all be the same guy
I didn’t eat a strawberry
New hulk variant just dropped
Reverse cut post bind
Feaver Dream
This game is terrible