Any idea why my E2 & LH is so high?
Pre cycle blood work… what does this mean 🤣🫣
Pre cycle blood test.
Receptorchem products
I was a rebound and it f*cking sucks
Late 20s breakup
My ex girlfriend blocked me on every social media.
How many aura I loose if I text her
I miss my old life
my boyfriend (M16) broke up with me (F15) and i don‘t know what to do
Does anyone regret begging their ex?
how do you get over it when it didn’t end badly
How are you doing today?
Hurt and depressed
Broke up on the 27th and need support, 19M
My(19f) girlfriend(22f) is deleting and hiding stuff on her phone
Do fish ever get thirsty?
Receptorchem LGD-4033
How do we solve Swansea’s public transport problem?
Uk source
Ukrainian IFV Letting Loose Its Autocannon on a Russian Position in the Bakhmut Area
When does RAD-140 stars working?
Bunk rad?
Rad140 + Enclomiphene cycle