Made this tier-list on teams according to me. Would love feedback.
If you could merge 2-4 bands together as 1 who would they be and why
Mind-Bending Masterpieces: Taiji
30+ Games to Win!
Lost Words: Beyond the Page
Random Gold Steam Key Giveaway!
[Steam] Random Key + An Extra
Giveaway: Any Game on Steam (1x up to $100)
Opinions on morbid angel?
This War of Mine giveaway
Thoughts on the new Behemoth single?
What do you guys think of the band PAIN
Giving away 1 Steam game of your choice! (up to 100$ max)
Name a band that you can’t get into despite trying hard and wondering if the problem is you because they have a big following.
I just recently got into Doom Metal. Could I have some recs???
Movies that are peaceful with almost no tension
It's 1968. You're cruising over the hot jungles of Vietnam in your Huey. What's the music ?
What song is playing?
Favorite Album Story/Concept
Thoughts on Volbeat
Your Favorite Women-fronted bands
Bands that have changed their sound drastically but still make good music?
Lesser known black metal bands for my playlist?
Why does no one care about Machine Head?
Jazz for a metal fan