I'm just looking for an excuse to spend the money I don't have
What is everyone reading this week?
I Love my new cover but...
Ana Lucia is a bitch
Popular highlights by other kindle users ❌
I made a review for GS on my book journal
My kitty is staying at a Fancy Cat Exclusive Hotel!
We should be able to turn grandma’s room into something
multiple kindles reasoning
When I first questioned
Would you date a religious person?
I don’t leave home without it 💙
Just finished Golden Son
Buying vs borrowing?
Anyone else started laughing at this scene? (Possible Spoilers)
Is it worth buying a Kindle
Most gripping classic you've read? I want a book I simply can't put down.
there anyone else who was atheist at a young age?
“the organization is perfect, people aren’t”
What would happen at the END if the JDUBS are right? - Webcomic Part 2
What’s everybody’s favorite font ?
Anyone want a free copy?
Came to a restaurant to enjoy a nice meal and guess what?