Lets vote for the ugliest country shape. My fav: Sweden
Prompted Deepseek R1 to choose a number between 1 to 100 and it straightly started thinking for 96 seconds.
Split countries list
Mravi u stanu
Gdje su vam šupci iz razreda danas?
What could this be the outline of?
6.5km zoom
Svim muslimanima Bajram Serif Mubarek Olsun
Watch 40 years of the world getting fatter in this animated map
Any ideas why I get random touch screen unresponsiveness on my galaxy s21+? 2x speed video showing what isn't working. It goes away after a few minutes or if I power off/on. Any ideas?
Is my refresh rate OK?
Battery drain after jan security update
Accurate and detailed map of the Islamic Conquest between 7th and 9th century, stretching from Portugal to India.
Countries that are members of NATO:
S21U 6.0 January security update battery improvement?
Eh da mi je osjetiti zeljezarin miris dima.
Fingerprint fails sometimes? Try this!
Evo nešto nenegativno.
Regions in Europe with muslim majority
How long do you think the S21 will last before becoming obsolete?
Godišnja potrošnja krompira po glavi stanovnika
Potato consumption per country in Europe
EAF Being started
This should be a circle 😅
Economy growth 2000-2022
Largest Religion by National Subdivision