Some cards for a mythology card game concept
Worth it to buy these (and modern man in search of meaning) for $30?
Name the last game you played, but slap "& Knuckles" at the end
"[all] given your city's location....which demigod will love to be your neighbour???
Another Greek Mythology book!
Go to this website and generate a random noun. That’s your Magic.
Y’all know this, pick 5, I’ll make a power for you
My collection of Carl Jung
Whatcha Reading Wednesday?
i question my sanity 24/7
AIO: My boyfriend hit me and I want to break up with. He claims it wasn't a real hit.
I made bracelets! [general]
Daedric Princes tierlist, rationale in comments
Challenge: You want to play D&D on a budget of $0
Genuinely curious
🗿What was Usopp's most peak "I'm Him" moment???
The Bacchae - A Failure of Integration
Madness and Sanity - Dionysus and the Field of Mental Health
Mental health epithet?
Eubuleia - The Dionysian Festival of Mental Health
Lads, who are we killing to trigger the Dark Brotherhood questline?
AIO Boyfriend Intimate Text with Male Friends
Battery autonomy, please help meeeeeee
How money works in Heaven?