Super Bowl Sunday. Where’s a fun place to be this Sunday? Good beer and food. Kinda new around here and I still don’t know every place around town. TIA 👊🏼👨🏻👊🏼
Tiffane Moon and my IG stories
Does narcissistic attracts emphatic people?
Who buys these things?
Please provide a list of MAGA business here so some of us can stear clear.
He can be so other women
18 Eggs, Food Maxx 2/1/25
Got pulled over because of my personalized plate.
I’m too loud
1st Anniversary restaurant
Take home pay
Specific Spots to Find Homeless People Around Redding
Sure, officer
Where can I get a good smashburger??
Vape Shops - 0 nic please?
Why OH WHY???(housing for younger individuals)
Attorney reccomendation
Rehab/Inpatient in Redding?
Good dentists in Redding?
Chiropractic recommendations?
Destiny was on our towns Most Wanted List in 2016 *identity theft*
Its my fault he slept like shit
Am I dealing with a narcissist Christian boyfriend?
Does your narc hide/throw your stuff away?
Destiny vaping while pregnant