CenterPoint lowers rates for Texas, is increasing rates for Evansville by 20%
What could go wrong.....
Something happens in the church youth group playroom that no one in the church can explain.
Getting left swipped on Live.
Que padres tan mierdas, dudo que son los únicos.
To answer the question
Anthony showing respect
Can anyone relate :/
Americans are being robbed and socially murdered with our own "health insurance" premiums - American health insurance is a SCAM
American Health Insurance Is A Scam. It's Time For Universal Healthcare!
MC tries to scare a child into not playing in their own front yard, threatens that their parents will lose their home
Weekend only jobs?
Venezulian insurrection after elecrion results. Motorcycle cops run from large unruly mob.
In 1976, 5% of high school seniors were 'straight edge' (No alcohol, no cigarettes, no marijuana in the prior month.) In 2021, nearly 40% of high school seniors were straight edge.
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How did you have enough money for a down payment?
Always check the machine before you swipe your card
Magpi attacks and puts beak into a woman’s eye socket. She’s okay btw, missed her eye.
How old are Elden Ring players?
Running out of sexiest man alive for a magazine cover
Why does arm and leg hair have a growth limit while head hair appears to grow continuously?
Es imaginación,o ideas en cinco minutos cada vez se está poniendo más raro...?
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YSK: Glassdoor is now showing real names and locations without user's consent.