In-depth mbti
Mixed feelings about "World Hijab Day"
How do you personally identify?
Is r/bangladesh subreddit Islamophobic?
Do you think science (scientific facts) is more important than human intuition/introspection and subjective values?
Is ‘nostalgia’ a pain or a pleasure?
Do you believe that life is not worth living for some or for all?
What is your opinion on INTP people?
The lack of discussion of "autism" among contemporary scholars...
Your take on Boonin's "Better to Be" (Critique of Benatar's "Better Never to Have Been")?
Why does Islam seem to harbour much more violence than the other two Abrahamic religions?
Difference Between MBTI and Enneagram
Communism is optimism
Are some theologians/scholars genuinely foolish or just intellectually dishonest?
Islam and Sex
Sick of conservatives
How’s your inferior Te function? Is there hope for us?
Found this on a Buddhist sub where people are praising Nietzsche for apparently"getting them into Buddhism"
Islamic Organizations and Bangladesh
We can only feel true empathy with someone when we've gone through the same thing as they have.
Becoming psychologist in Bangladesh
Hello Everyone, can you share your Ontological, Metaphysical and Epistemological beliefs/theory.
Are there any "ex-pessimists" here?
How to secularize our country and society