Most dumbass deck
New Cards Untradable
Venusaur and Dusknoir fun
Is cresselia ex real?
Made my logo using my own app—feedback appreciated!
Unpopular Opinion: I prefer the new Burger King logo over the 1999 Logo as it has that timeless retro 70s and 80s font and colors that has proven to work while also being a nice subtle modern upgrade.
my new favourite thing in the game is working several turns towards a wincon and getting screwed over by a zero counterplay card 😀
Secret Smackdowm Emblem!
Ok, let's talk pack selection/opening method..
Rare Card/God Pack Weekly Megathread
Ummm… so this happened
What card are you trading for first?
/r/PTCGP Trading Post
This seems like the strongest indicator thus far that 2* and/or Promo card trading will eventually be made available. (Leak, not confirmed)
How good is Bidoof?
Can we get a mega thread for Showing Off/Rate My Collection?
There's nothing more satisfying than beating Celebi players with their own weapon...
The best card in the game.
Does anyone else wish that you could wishlist cards you already own?
banned from the other sub
Just Joined the Club!
Anyone else enjoy, and sometimes even prefer, playing against Meta decks like Celebi, Gyarados, Mewtwo, and Pikachu?
Hole looks like Gru