Actually worth something?
Long car ride vibes
SRA came in the mail today to complete my Rush trilogy
eBay Haul
What're you playing this weekend? 12/20
Pictochatting with my girlfriend right next to each-other
Facebook Market place score, my first 3DS XL.
What’s the deal with Sonic Rush Adventure?
Todays haul from a local used game store. Both CIB.
Todays score from my local game store
Reclaimed this for the collection
Goat song on Goat game on Goat handheld
BW2 Nintendo Power
Excited to play this
A brief point about cameras.
Just chillin
Can these sync in dreamview?
Restoring 10y/o WTP bmx bike
Fresh cut ✂️
The neighbors dog politely came over to play
Butt scratches please
That cool garage floor
The basking spot 🐱
School denied Sallie Mae Loan? What are my options
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