Yup.. classic
Making my own superflat world, a timelapse
Does BDSM exist in the Celestial Kingdom??
Finally finished my island!
Ordered a meat shredder, but got this in the mail instead?
This cutie was sitting under my front door, what should I call her?
Someone stole the year sticker off my license plate
I don't like math, so I doodled instead
A recent survey in the Salt Lake Tribune asked readers to suggest a new name for the Book of Mormon so it’s no longer a victory for Satan. The winner was “Another Testament of Jesus Christ” or simply “Testament.” Any other ideas?
Why come Roger Downing Jr feet does that?
Have this lady longer than most people have dogs so I decided to show Marge to the world to show people how friendly and beautiful she is <3
Best way to deal with someone with dementia
Just got mailed 2 rocks
Found cut up dollar bills on the street. It's real money, why cut the center out?
Eggs were gone in less than 10 minutes at Costco
What do you think is the most BORING Pixar movie?
Do you count Giselle a cartoon character? 🐿️🏙️🌷
Let's gooo!!
What’s your island name?
Which one and why ?
Which one you want?
Fighting for my life at 3 am, he came to let me know I can make it through this
This seems awfully desperate.
My grandparents in their 20s,40s and 70s
What do you name your world(s)?