So I was in a match and it took 6 shots to kill a sledge with cavs pistol is this my internet or is cavs pistol dogshit?
Why isn't the F2 actually viable?
If piloted by learning AI's, which OP would be the most OP in a 5v5 with all AI?
How did R6 manage to keep its popularity alive?
Cheaters exist in this game because we as a community don't demand it enough.
What's the highest reputation you've seen?
Bandit Acog is back for the new event
Siege X is doomed without Ranked 3.0
Why are streamers allowed to get away with everything?
Playing as Keres is a guaranteed win
Was it a mistake to make Urdu the national language?
Tachanka - Strike terror into opponents
I'm honestly losing my fckn mind
Ubisoft wants to add AI voice moderation, and it’s a HORRIBLE idea.
Hot take: ubisoft, take lair and theme park off the map pool, for god sake.
Mira mains, what strat is this?
Mira mains can you explain this?
Option to turn off cosmetics
Freestyle Chess/960
Trash-Talking a Beginner: The 280-Hour Ego
What scope is best for beginners
Give tachanka lmg acog
Is it over?
Pulse is the "PERFECT" Operator and we need more like him