Ok who is it this time ?
How to play difficulty 10?
Any have a mesupply before?
Am I touching grass right?
Would my outfit be allowed?
What are your favorite GBBRs best for CQB?
First Navy Breacher done
Joined a random and saw this. Didn't the pack have 4 ammo slots? Am I going crazy?
Red dot sight repairs
People are sharing their AKs, so are mine!
Current helmet setup
The gas mask and CVC helmet seems like a nice combination
It's Important That We Know About Our Podcast Hosts!
Show me your helmets! Need some inspiration :)
Pick 2
My friend sent me this 😟
light tan 1961a setup
Wanna help me create a badass classic rock playlist?
How to stop battery charging from the grid?
I had to explain pegging to my mum this morning. Can anybody beat that for an awkward tues morn conversation?
any plans to stop the death of the game?
I-It can't be...