I guess you know better than me -_-
I'm so angry at my friend
Creep doesn't understand a single thing (body text)
My boyfriend (future Dom) can't talk
Using someones hair in protection spell
I (18) want to stop being homophobic
I can't have sex with my bf because I feel disgusting due to his behavior after sex
Protection Braid
Can someone please tell me my death isn’t inevitable?
Boyfriend doesn't want to touch me after he has cum
Fake crystals
How is what we’re doing causing climate change ?
Intent in protection spell
Being present (help me understand)
Why is it always urgent
Crying myself to sleep everynight and can't take it anymore
Reward system problem
Headache for The past 4 years. Doctors got no solution
This is a weird question but I need help as it's bothering me
How do you budget food succesfully?
Handwashing when coming inside
Why do so many adults claim that sex as a need?
Hi I have three country options to study USA, sweden n poland all okayish universities
How to I (20F) teach my bf (20M) to communicate?
Student needing help with a backpain