What's my hair type?
What's my hair texture?
Does anyone have anger issues or feel they are very quick to anger?
It finally happened. He died.
So apparently not all girls have 1000s of options
I won. My ex reached out a year later.
I'm scared to start a new job
Why does nobody accept that life is harder if you're ugly
If she’s ugly then what the hell am I??
Did your nparent make up a whole personality for you?
I don't actually want any job 😅
I guess this is a global issue
Never seen a job posting like this
Are we INFJS the "forever" people?
What made you gain a significant amount of weight?
Was rhinoplasty a waste of money?
Darker or lighter?
What style of glasses would suit my face best?
⚠️ If you almost committed suicide because of your family, what stopped you?
How old I look
Did it eat?
Just adopted this little girl, we need a name that goes well with the color of her fur 🥰