Tell me your favorite pokemon
If you had to choose only 5 drugs to have, but an endless amount, what 5 would it be?
If you could take 5 pills from here, what would you grab?
my plug brought me these, he says XR stands for Xtra stRong? anyone seen something like this
Cannabis Wedding Rings
Cannabis Weeding Rings
how neurotoxic is 4-bmc compared to 4-cmc?
PSA‼️:🗣️Do You Have a Loved One Who Is Addicted to Drugs? If So, Please Donate All of Your Extra Narcotic Medication to Them. Kindness Wins!!!
I don't understand Magnesium
What happens if I do 2cb two nights in a row?
they’re taking drugscirclejerk into an auditory medium. god bless
Mandrax and Abalone
My mom smokes DMT all day
is he restarted? r/drugs moderators lowered the maximum IQ for the sub again
Anyone ever combine 3-cl-pcp with kratom?
2% yield w/ custom tek
Thoughts on Pain O Soma 500mg Per Pill
salting out the freebase
Can anyone drop MDMA synthesis for a beginner?
about 50 g GHV
Sodium + Water
Boofing is indeed the way!
Non-addictive Drugs without cross tolerances
Can I boof my friends ashes?
25b-nboh w/ tolerance