The start of my boss trophy area. Thoughts?
What are everyone’s first impressions of skeletons, or any interesting stories about them?
Yall gonna hate me for this
Is illegal map bannable?
Did i improve from the last?
He put down the cup
Here, you might need it slime/sheep minion users
Today, after 320hrs I have finally 100% completed Gungeon
These are cool... right?
What yall think these cakes do
had griffin out for the funny, didnt think it would actually happen
They buffed habenero tactics, making it give magic find and combat wisdom
I Hate This Stupid Skill.
Who is the entertainment GOAT?
Ronova and The Four Pillars of Khaneriah
I wanna get back into skyblock
What are your favourite ways of mining crassus gold?
Silicone schematic
How do Hegemony Credits work?
It’s the season of giving so drop your ign and why I should give you some coins
started making reinforced iron plates, rotors, and modular frames, game just started becoming complicated lol
I just found a Luxurious Chest in Liyue after almost 6000 hours of playing...
Everything Goes Wrong
Struggling on T4 Eman what can I do to fix this (already working on talis) Ign:Hkmm
Level 440 without ever owning a hype AMA!