AITA if for exposing my ex
AITA to contact my exs boyfriend because he contacted me
[Help] Uneven skin tone, dark spots, and dermatitis—how can I improve my routine?
Anyone here studied A-levels independently? Advice/experiences?
Did My Ex (18M) Cheat on Me (18M) or Was I Just Overreacting?
Is this back workout effective?
b = 7 and a = 83 right?
Help with sexing please?
is this correct?
Curly hair highlights
What should I ask for to an achieve this sort of look?
HELP! How can I get consistent, Non frizzy curls without a shiny or oily look!
Help Needed with 2C-3B Curls, Frizz, and Inconsistent Curl Pattern!
Plant recommendations
Buying this new plant it’s pretty sun burnt I believe
Dark eye bags - dermatitis
Anyone know what I can do?
Dark patch on one side of face
Can someone tell me if this is a solid pull day or am I missing or doing to much?
Pull workout back/bicep
Is this an okay push day as I’m just starting to get into the gym
Is this an okay push day to begin with?
Are these plants in the correct placements?
Why is my pothus dying 😭