Mentorship Monday - Post All Career, Education and Job questions here!
Did everyone leave?
What is this promo art for 2025 updates teasing with... Something landing from space?
Felt cute, might delete later x
Bethesda already has the perfect setup for the next raid
Smoked Meat Recipes?
I'm being paid substantially less than what I thought I would be paid compared to what my predecessors made before retirement.
Is there any way to take off the secondary ceremonial mace skin?
What is the best looking PA skin?
Is nuking someone's camp common?
PTS Players, what are your thoughts on Onslaught Heavy Gunner vs. V.A.T.S. Heavy Gunner?
What a game
GPS wants it the long hard way.
Wright residence is a Gen base bult just for us.
Why isn't there a southern chapter of the brotherhood of steel?
Besides The Gatling Gun, What Are Some Of Your Favorite Hard-Hitting Ammo Conservative Weapons?
Finally got a full set of unyielding armor
What are you still hunting for in the raids
What's going on with leader prices?
Is nuking Whitesprings taboo?
What is something you did when you first started playing that ended up being a big mistake?
New Vegas East Casino is Officially Open! Open to Constructive Criticism! Wish I Could Add More Detail But I was at 100% Budget
Does anyone still use shelters?
Overeaters has turned me into Al Gore
When does end seaaon 19?