how compatible are we!?
what do yall think of this? pretty cool imo
What's your most scrobd track for Jan/Last 30days?
No Grammy for Fontaines
How compatible are we
hit 10k a couple of days ago
now that we're 1 month in, what's the gap between your most & 2nd most scrobbled artist of the year?
Just Hit 50K, Are We Compatible?
Fav album of the decade so far?
Drop your alevel combo…
What's your scrobbles/artists ratio?
You can only listen to ONE song for the rest of the year, what is it?
Drop your a-level choices and ill rate them 1-10 (do not take it personally(
Got the idea from someone else. All time 5x5 for my birthday.
Songs that go “na na na”
Language GCSEs are impossible
English Literature (Edexcel) Paper 2 - Exam Megathread
Mind of Mine Tourney: It's You vs Rear View (I'm sorry for the late post, I was busy with finals)
Who are some artists who you’ve listened to the whole discography for?
You only have 10$, choose whatever u like :))
Which wins for you?
Give me an artist and I will tell you how much I’ve scrobbled them
Best “song, interlude, song” run?
Long time Arctic Monkeys producer, collaborator diagnosed with Acute Leukemia