Shoutout til Mikkel
Min kæreste chatter med andre på Snapchat
Now we know why she doesn't ditch the security blanket bangs, *they* can't ignore her.
Blandie must ctrl+c and ctrl+v, cause she be damned if she's not stealing the persona of who's most popular at the moment.
Pizza til bryllup?
Is it really that bad? ^^
90er/00er techno
My mom took this picture,is this normal oooorrrr?..
Took a slow turn during skiing, Tibial Plateau fracture, joined the weak gang
The President of Finland & the Prime Ministers of Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Mette Frederiksens house. Quote: “We are not alone - We have several close allies with whom we share values”
Mais retorik
This gem
The Kiffness - Eating the cats - Live Paris
Hvilken opførsel fra andre mennesker, har været den mest chokerende du har oplevet?
Uanset hvor meget du nægter nu, så har du stadig erkendt at det er dig bag profilen. Der er ikke noget at misforstå, der er ikke redigeret eller klippet i noget, du siger ordret, at det er din profil. Tag ansvar for det lort du laver 💩
I can’t believe my sister is officially a BBB…
my newest drawing
Cats are the most useless pets ever and the people who have them are shallow.
My Weakness Revealed
Really insecure about my nose specially my side profile.should i get the nose job?
Cat brings her kittens every night to her human’s bed as a sign of trust.. 😊
Kludder kludder kludder
Found this in the wild of Reddit. Thought it would fit here🤭