Will the Chiefs win the Superbowl?
May I?
Are you dead?
What is something you are craving rn?
How Many Cities Can You Guys Name?
swipe for big stretch
Are you fat?
Are you atheist
I need some kitty pics to keep me going
Day 2 of trying to get a reply from every country
What should I do with my hair?
No Bible Study This week
What word or emoji should be my next tattoo?
___ you!
Please pray for me.
We’ve got __________ at home.
Any Idea Who Will Be On Season 50?
Is there a name for this kind of haircut?
Do you think pineapple goes on pizza
Spirits, what's your favorite letter of the english alphabet
i bought some ____ from the store yesterday.
Adolf Hitler was a ____ guy
Are you religious