Would you invite a visitor just because you share the same birthday?
Classes that are not work out based
Suggest me a book where the MCs are both unhinged
Was approached by Christians asking me to go to church
Which 3 are you picking?
$17 for 280 lbs of cat litter, delivering to a house 45 minutes from the store
HR 7 introduced: health care for women should also address the needs of men,
What Would Make Your Life Easier to Buy Store Bought, But You Refuse?
Is anyone else completely done with Facebook? I'm tired of the suggestions for pages.
1, 2 or 3? Pick 1
I can’t take the snow anymore!!! Anyone else?
I like the new rating feedback form
Teenager in school and want some fantasy reccomendations
The first generation to not care into old age
Non-Basic Outfits with Jeans
Book recommendations for 13-year old non-reading boy
I genuinely don’t understand…
Behind The Trees, My oil painting 120x90 cm
Is ACNH a good game to gift a 7yo?
What do you do with your used books?
I’m so sick of people thinking I’m okay with racism, sexism, and homophobia just because I’m straight, white, and male
Has anyone lost a significant amount of weight on Noom?
Which movies from the 80’s have you rewatched that hit totally different now compared to when you first watched them?
hold onto beau for me