This is just amazing
Do I still have it at 32? [32F]
Best General In History?
How on earth do people study 200 hours a month? is that even possible
I'm going to Ventura. Do you guys need anything from Walmart?
Is it possible to bend the frame by dropping it on a jackstand?
Why are Asians so academicly smart?
Xmas Eve Tamales
Why Did They?
Does the knight look Roman?
The fact that it's his first try is insane
Photos with Syrian rebels in Damascus
Glow up (22)
Why are the jews so hated through out history?
A poo question for those studying hunter-gatherer cultures.
Apocalypse at Refugio State Campground last night
What actor have you always hated?
200 unit limit
My Boyfriend wont stop
My roommate keeps creaming in his sleep
HeyGen's Avatar 3.0 are Photorealistic
Hedge funds will have setups like this just to underperform the S&P by 10%
Can we get a student removed?