How it started VS. How it’s going
"USA! USA! USA!" Bro Canada is #6 in quality of life while US is #22
Elon has federal payee data. Veterans and DoD included.
ULPT request: my work is installing cameras that also record audio. Is there a device that would emit a frequency that the microphone would pick up but human ears would not?
Grandpa hated Nazis so much he helped kill 25,000 of them in Dresden
In tunisia, if you are 36 yrs old and above, still not married. Its okay? What is in your head?
For those who are living abroad, was it worth it leaving the country?
صورة من اختتام مؤتمر الاعلانالكويري - تونس 🇹🇳
Public spending on European monarchs
Which ships are Under-Appreciated, Underrated, or Under-used
Nothing But Useless Bullshit 😏
Where is this important building?
I’m glad Trump got re-elected
As an American, I'm happy to see we're nowhere near as racist as Europeans
Can everyone give me advice about how to build the RF TARK Pyotr Velikiy ship?"
“No European country would start a war with us. It would be over in a matter of days”
Family destroys snowmen during once in a lifetime snow event in south USA.
Nazi supporter till she dies
Umme enjoys the bad publicity
Umme is riding the publicity wave
Umme loves the attention
Look mom, I am a fascist apologist
[Seiko] My First Watch
Zorgwekkend dat chatGPT dit antwoord geeft
Which country has more freedoms and more wealth per capita?