White winged snake holy lady by @hardluck2129416
Grazing Death Worm by @hardluck2129416
Does anybody know what the Cult of the Lamprey is about ?
Old Rite Monk of Liaodong by @hardluck2129416
Gas Biao Soldiers by @hardluck2129416
Wuwei Army by@hardluck2129416
Guide of Taiping by@hardluck2129416
Monk Soldier by @hardluck2129416
Foster Child by @hardluck2129416
Three Realms of Karma by hardluck2129416
Elsa concept designs when she was originally supposed to be the villain of Frozen
White Lotus Temple by @hardluck2129416
Surrogate of Order Abbot by @hardluck2129416
I think they got it a bit mixed up..
Blursed churtank
Church Tank, Vehicle of the Next Crusades
Glory unto him
Terracotta Army in Trench Crusade by@hardluck2129416
Terracotta Army in TrenchbCrusade by@hardluck2129416
Another creation by @hardluck2129416 that I thought was really cool
Naval warfare and other question in trench crusade world