Mike, let's chat about an idea I have
Can i concealed carry at 18 , if the gun is purchased from a private dealer or gifted to me by a parent?
New closet
HitchHiker Complete
7.65 Mannlicher. The .32 that never was
Will these work with simplisafe?
No movement during MAC
Apparently Mayo Clinic doesn’t know what a resident is 🫠
What is the best way to prepare for oral boards?
Does my car need antibiotics?
Bill introduced to abolish income tax & IRS
SBR engraving NWI?
Resort for sale?! video tour
What Happened to Stockpile Defense?
Is Matt selling the ranch
Have I unlocked a new function of the human brain?
Call Compensation
Walmart sells these for $5, they have a rubberized coating and they work really well.
What's the most absurd thing you've ever spent money on?
Which scandinavian country to choose?
Which doctors have you personally met whose last names seemed perfectly suited to their specialty?
No poors allowed
Which tractor should I buy?
Is this book available or out of print?
Nurse anesthesia “resident”…. Lol