[GIVEAWAY] 400 coins - 4 winners
"Life Views" Day 8: Which HTGAWM character most fits the "miserable realist"?
"Life Views" Day 5: Which HTGAWM character most fits the "neutral realist"?
"Life Views" Day 2: Which HTGAWM character most fits the "happy realist"?
"Life Views" Day 1: Which HTGAWM character most fits the "happy optimist"?
I resolve property disputes for a living. AMA
Best HTGAWM Couple Day 15: Connor and Oliver Vs Annalise and Eve
Hey spirits! Suggest some user flairs for this sub.
Best HTGAWM Couple Day 10: Wes and Laurel Vs Nate and Annalise
Character Development Day 5: Who started as an OK person & ended as an OK person?
Its time someone turns water into ______.
BREAKING NEWS: Scientists have discovered _______ is actually edible.
If it ain't _____ I ain't taking it
[GIVEAWAY] 500 coins total - 5 users, 100 coins each
Best HTGAWM Couple Day 8: Wes and Rebecca and Michaela and Caleb.
A _____ for 20 bucks? Are you out of your mind?
No lil Timmy! Don't put your ______ in the microwave!
Son, your Mom and I are ______.
Good girls go to ________!
Best HTGAWM Couple Day 7: Annalise and Tegan Vs Annalise and Eve
Character Development Day 1: Who started as a bad person & ended as a bad person?
Can we stop hating on ________ this new year!
The best part of 2025 will be ________.
It’s okay if 2024 wasn’t your year, I’m sure 20___ will be better.
Thank you, Mario! But our princess is in another ______!