It’s not gay if two guys_______.
I found out my girlfriend is actually a __________
Fuck _______. All my homies hate _______.
The _______ is very cute.
I wish the default state of a penis was erect
Name him
Spell what sound this makes
_________ is my Smash main
Okay who wants there pfp in there?
What’s the best song ever
I hate it when people _______
Spell ICUP 😈
I caught my daughter watching porn, so I _____ her.
Um excuse me what the f______
I said what what in the ____
Donald Trump is the President of _______.
You’re not a man of culture you’re just a ____ addict
N stuffed animal without clothes.
Hey Ouija, how many bears would BEARFUCKER fuck if BEARFUCKER could fuck bears?
Thoughts on Doug Doug?
I was gay but _____ turned me straight
goodbye r/MurderDronesOfficial
u/__________ is the BEST Reddit user EVER!