Leaving carts of reshop isn’t going to tell corporate anything
excuse me??
“Can you check in the back?”
Alternatives to Netgalley
Anyone else judge other Targets?
What was your favorite read of 2024?
Damn you fulfillment 🤬🤬🤬
Make me mad in one guest question
To the very end
I took my break then immediately this interaction occurred
Which one makes you the most annoyed? (Mostly question for Checkout Advocates)
Fulfillment peeps, what’s your favorite kind of batch?
Should I pay it all off right now??
rcam.target.com is always down
in receiving?
Start a trend
It’s always something
it’s been discussed before, but what did you name your kindle? i’ll go first
Look how clean and organized Target used to be
Found old photos of the former Cordova target. The nostalgic is REAL.
On Demand Question
4am Inbound (Stocking)
Packing app tryna get me in trouble
A customer paid for her groceries with a bunch of ten dollar gift cards 🥲
I thought this was rage bait lol
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen at target