One giant leap for kittykind 🐱
Cat buffering 🐱
What a wonderful design 💗🤌🤌
This LED car sign will blow your mind
But why?
Add "up my ass" to the last song you listened to
Kitty down 🐱
What Happened to Veggie Mama?
Is it possible to turn off long press haptic sound?
Correct my education: A website where you type in the year you graduated and it gives you a list of things science has since found to have been falsely taught in school.
Tiny floofus does NOT want to be eaten!
Yes officer this is him
Floofus does not want to be eaten
All it took was a dumbass and a few minutes.
Fuck this fan in particular
Testing a newborn baby's startle reflex
Demanding potato wukus
Scaredy wunk
A compressed tablet towel expands when water is added: like this.
Ouija you're drunk
What is the worst example of an entrepreneur(s) using their damn kids as bait for a deal? (My submission inside).
Hairy armadillo baby
Kitty in the school bag!!
Three women go crazy and freak out because their flight got delayed…