Please help!
Are my expectations too high? (18 months in - braces coming off soon)
Before vs After 2 years of braces
Patch 25.S1.1 Bug Megathread
Major Bug: No Sound or Notification When Re-Queuing After Champ Select Cancels
From Silver to Iron: What's Going Wrong?
[UPDATE] on FALSE PERMA BAN for "inting" on 10+ years account
The Unfair 14-Day Ban System in League of Legends: My Experience
From a crowd of 20 to a crowd of 106 millions. A baby is born crying out for attention.
This sub is full of Bitcoiners now
Bitcoin tops $100k for the first time
Bitcoin had its day!
I went from broke to millionaire in 7 years on a middle-class income thanks to Bitcoin
People are worried that they can’t buy daily stuff with a Bitcoin being $100k smh
I have recorded 100 000! And it was beautiful!
This Market RN
Passphrase Magazine #2 is now available - thanks to the bitcoin community.
Tell your paper-handed friend to zoom out
In case you’re wondering if you’re late…
You can now pay any MPESA merchant in Kenya with Bitcoin and it's quite seamless
Congrats HODLers, don't forget how far we have come in just 2 years from Thanksgiving 2022
Saylor: "We are living in the digital gold rush. It started in January 2024 and will run thru 2034. Few are prepared for what’s coming."
LIVE: 2.4K "investors" are trying to cope with the fact that they were wrong dismissing Bitcoin by continuing to dismiss it without any attempt to understand what they are talking about.