Is there a way of living more according to socialist values (outside of politics)?
This may be a stupid question, but is there a way to live more according to socialist values?
How do you explain people from the Eastern Bloc NOT having fond memories of Socialism and the USSR? A question of my wavering ideology…
Are there any good documentaries on the russian revolution?
What's your favorite soviet song?
You're given a million of whatever you last googled. What is it?
Are socialist always against the police? And why?
Asterix comics made me hate Rome as a kid but I've come around
If you could meet one person from your country’s history, who would it be and why?
Any idea for why the ai kept bombing Hattusa?
“The limey that should be thanking Americans, you’d be speaking German if it wasn’t for my grandfather and other Americans who bailed out English and Europe in ww2.”
Do productivity apps really help?
Which type you wanna be so bad?
How can I get better at planning?
What food from your country have you always despised?
One thing you are least proud about your country?
plz use my REFERRAL CODE thank you so much! <3
Is season four completely terrible?
Five & Lila
Lord of the Rings themed setup
What does a historian do?