My Isaacs, which one is the best tarot card?
I hate being _______, it's awesome
I am literally (a) _______.
Do spirits get depressed?
Yesterday I asked my ____ out
I just accidentally wiped my entire save file while messing around with mods in the files. What would be your reaction if this happened to you?
Can I has ________ Plz?
Ouija, explain the fourth comment curse.
When I gave my step mom a hug I felt her ______ poking me
I said what what in the ____
Why does ____ exist?
Spirits, be honest, I promise I won't be mad if you come clean. What did you do?
Woman are scary, i’m gonna try dating _____ instead
kinne jo riede hokker taal dit is
We're surrounded by fish. HORNY fish. You know what that means... ____!
_____ ain't skipping no meals
The best thing about waluigi is the fact he is ________.
Murder Mystery Time Part 2! Who found the victim?
You are my sunshine my only sunshine you make me ______ when skies are grey
I'm curious, can Ouija write a smooth pick-up line?
I shall ______ to become beyond menkind
u/__________, respectfully, gtfo this sub.
I really detest Trump by virtue of his ____
As I walk through the valley where I harvest my grain, I take a look at my wife and realize she's very _____
Spirits! What kind of body would you prefer to inhabit if you could possess any form?