Do you 'like' webtoon chapters after reading?
What can I do to make him look less creepy/ better?
How would you rate Brenna D'amico?
Meet Twinkle!
Larisa Oleynik
Are there any teenage Monk fans here?
Requesting honest feedback on my second episode art.
Nina Dobrev was one of the prettiest girl in 2000s TV
How can I improve her design?
I honestly LOVED these!
What’s your favorite non-pony species?
Do you prefer classic Manhwa art to other types of art styles?
Are there any celebs you can think of that look good even without makeup?
What do you think of my art
Is 18 too late to learn how to cook?
When we talk about eyes we often discuss about women. But which male celebrity according to you has most gorgeous eye area?
Are density-dependent inhibition and contact inhibition the same thing?
The post above is what twilight is scared of
is there any male lead more handsome than him?
Webtoon is using "Queen never cry" in their ads??
say hello to pittie! do your worst >:D
Rate Marissa Ayers
Would anyone like to draw my sweet boys together?
What does my Art taste like