(Spoilers Main) What if a husband offed his wife?
[OC] All squid raids since the attack on Calypso (13.12.2184-29.01.2185)
If you pick an answer to this question at random, what is the chance that you will be correct?
Duologue suggestions
New GRRM blog post on A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms [Spoilers Extended]
Is Bronn the 'least' original name in Asoiaf? [Spoilers Main]
What's your favourite play?
I'm reading this in high school and I have to read it in front of my entire class
Acting in a severely cut role
[Spoilers Extended] "What other stuff should I be into if I like ASOIAF?" Recommendations Thread
Service dogs go through a test where they have to watch an entire musical to pass their program
Where are the urban areas for the bugs and bots???
[Spoilers main] How would you rate this hypothetical book, AGOT but with fully different POV characters across the same timeline
If you could choose a character to be a POV, who it would be? (spoilers main)
[No Spoilers] Does anyone else think a Jon/Arya love story is gross?
Lego Helldivers: Through the desert.
What I want
How can Fortinbras be the man of action if he avenges last?
How do you think Ned would do if decided to rule?
[Spoilers MAIN] Who are the most badass characters in ASOIAF?
[Spoilers Main] reasoning for each of Littlefinger's chess moves?
Your personal favorite chapters? [SPOILERS MAIN]
[Spoilers Main] What do you think that George regrets doing the most in Asoiaf?