Battlin boxer is Fun
How to play CRYSTRON ?
Sadly this is the only Salad deck I can come up with for playing in the rank
How to summon this guy ?
I hated it here
Testing the new salamangreat any help is appreciated
The new box is just salad hype
Just give me the damn Droplet already
Whoever came up with this deck , I personally wanna say THANK YOU FOR THE HERO SLAYER DECK !
For some reason this deck works
I Have to many of these anyone get deck for it ?
Did i Cook again guys ?
HERO deck recommendations
Friend Invitation Campaign Megathread
Did i cook or I burn the kitchen ?
Which should I run for my KOG run
does anyone remember that gishki and nekroz is available in duel links?
Why i cant special summon my Kaiju ?
Why can't I negate ?
Am i crazy ?
My hunt for seth turn up into Cat and mouse game
WTF game ??
Rat queen is here !!
Who Do You Have Left To Pull? I've Got These Two Left And It's Driving Me Insane