AIO for getting upset from my wife’s response to my question?
Toddler Refusing Me
What are your I was sure it wasn’t going to work but it did stories?
Emotional AF
She cheated on me then proceeds to send me all this…
How was breastfeeding the second time around? Similar problems at the beginning as you had initially with the first?
What's a gross thing you love about your baby?
What are some things about pregnancy you did not expect?
Birth just shy of a year after c-section?
Seeking U.S. healthcare reference
Which piece of information you know because of your job or study will shock the average person?
Can’t decide on stopping
What healthy food tastes like it isn’t?
At what age did you feel like you became a woman (vs being a girl)?
$18K for D1?
Pregnancy no-nos that I break
A guy crapped next to me
What was your very first starting hourly pay compared to your hourly pay today?
I've been in childcare for over forty years, and I've heard every name possible. Post your kids name, and let me see if I can match the personality to the child.
What do you instead of smoking?
I just want to be left alone.
I’m Asian wtf you want me to do
Can we have a respectful/kind unpopular opinion thread?
Cake and Margs in MSP!
Was told today that it’s weird that I’m going to “let” my husband change our daughter when she’s born. Is this weird to others?