My increasingly sprawling Gregtech CEu megafactory - early IV edition
Is FTB still good?
Its 2025. Is a balanced semi-gated pack with quests a pipe dream?
My rank is bronze 2 in solo/duo. Why do I get matched with high silver/low gold? How is this fair? How am I supposed to climb out of bronze if I have to play vs. players two tiers higher than me? (and I am playing solo. And the server is EUNE.)
Which mods do you think are the "most crazy"?
How many of these do u stockpile?
Best weapons to use on Octavia prime?
Fargo’s talisman dungeon?
I honestly think 1 Champion + QoL is the best way to make the game more fun and enjoyable
Tips for 6 stars?
POLL: How many champs do you have at 6* ?
This mode is garbage.
Ionia nova crystal
Advice for Evelynn vs 6.5 fiddle?
Help complete my lissandra objectives
Despite the negativity before the patch drop
Is there a runterra champion that's a must have 6* right now?
Starforged Gauntlets
Is it still worth to get 6* jinxs power now?
8 6* champions
Which Noxus Champion 6 Star should I get?
I'm sorry but if Riot is to keep drastically reduce quality standards like what we've been shown so far, I prefer this game to just shut down.
Vex or yummi 6 star ? I dont want bother with norra and need something strong from bandle city. Norra sometimes have problem with higher adventures
I'm unsure if this is the correct place to post this, but does anyone have any recommendations on what champions would be the best for me to focus on 5-6*ing them? These are the relics/crystals I have.
PSA: Do NOT immediately invest wild fragments into Warwick or Ambessa