Imagine a team of 6 you’s. What rank are yall getting to?
"In-depth" roles for all heroes
Was not expecting this 🤯
Can asexuals Masturbate?
I haven’t played too much of these three. Which should I max out first?
PC Liars, Tigers and Death. Oh my~!
Just sold my left kidney, excited to pick up a 5090 to play Stardew, Terraria and Wordle in 8k
almost there, i really hope i get new eliza 😭
Tired of feeling invisible
Should I dia Wulfsbane or Raw Nerv?
I have trouble making friends do to genetics
TIL You can transfer STUN debuff (SUCK IT SANS!!)
Umbrella evolution
Which 3 should i invest in
Man, next month's relics kinda suck, don't they?
Anyone going in to grind for that 10% today?
Why should I read signature abilities? /s 😂😂😂
Streak 1270, what else can I tell you guys? In February ill get little grass
Streak update, I was planning on posting at 1250 but this is more appropriate, how are your streaks going? What achievements do you have to share today?
Which diamond/gold to invest? (Besides daddy bk)
Honest question for those with coprolalia
Seriously though, is Fatigue ever useful?
Is she really as bad as they say?