Kansans prescriptions drug bills: Trump just made your prescrition drug prices (like insulin) 4200% more or so!
Salty Subies lol
Seen this today.
Daily Driver Right?
Any ideas on what this could be?
Anyone know what this part is?
In My Darkest Hour is where Megadeth shines lyrically. DAY 4: MOST HYPE SONG. Which song gets you pumped?
Knocking sound coming from 2007 grand cherokee?
Only one cylinder firing on '81 xv750
Put my battery in backwards, help!
Should I give up
What is this liquid on my intake valve?
What is this right here? I need help identifying the cracked piece
Beginner here. How do I play this with a EADGBe tuned guitar?
What is a good routine for recovering from a broken back?
David is still so salty over shit he caused.
What guitar is this?
Have to no option in bottom right to chat in streams?
[COD] Can't link Twitch account