Defending Yalom for his “fat lady” story.
What was the pregnancy craving you couldn't have?
Walked out of my therapist appointment in the middle of session for the first time.
What should you NOT tell a postpartum mom?? I’ll start…
What type of client is toughest for you to work with?
AITA for skipping my brother's wedding because his fiancée excluded my wife from the guest list?
What place has the best cheesecakes, and what has the best chocolate cake?
Me accidentally taking the Courtney Campbell exit instead of staying on the Veterans because the signage on the Veterans is confusing af
Would you let your alcoholic mom watch your kid?
Did your S.O go to every appointment with you?
Therapists, what’s a “rule” you learned in school that you don’t follow?
Thoughts since Trump won and his inauguration
Can’t afford daycare, can’t afford not to work…
US-folks, how much did your pregnancy/birth cost you out of pocket?
Worried that I'm too irreverant
WIC telling me “risks” of formula
my fiance’s therapist told him to take a break from me and put our wedding on hold
Sick kids
“Pregnancy tired is worse than newborn tired”
What annoys you most about yourself as a therapist?
jobs that pay at least $18/hr??
Must Haves for Telehealth
AIO is my boyfriend controlling or is he in the right
Have you paid your kid’s entire college fund?